Innovative and Disruptive Technology - Satellite Data Acquisition in the BLINK of an Eye

Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019

Amphinicy Technologies is exhibiting at IAC 2019 in Washington D.C., USA, October 21-25, 2019.


Nowadays, there are more and more examples of how space data can improve our everyday life. Climate change monitoring, natural crisis mitigation, food production and transportation are just to name a few. In such circumstances the need for reliable and timely space data rises. New so­phisticated optical and radar payloads and new satellite constellation with frequent revisits require reliable, powerful and scalable data acquisition solutions on the ground.




Amphinicy recognizes two main trends in the satellite ground segment industry:

  1. The advantages of the software-centric over hardware-centric solutions
  2. Ground station as a service powered by cloud computing technologies

Software-centric approach

Using 10-year experience of research and development in the Earth Observation and satel­lite data acquisition domain we are bringing Blink to the market, an ultra-fast completely software-based satel­lite data acquisition solution. When it comes to purpose, mission and protocol (CCSDS, DVB-S2...) Blink enables flexibility. It leverages well-tested COTS components and standardized IP technology. It can provide shorter lead times (weeks vs. months) and flexible licensing options tailored for the NewSpace market.

Cloud computing technologies for the space industry

Today, to provide communication from space to ground, satellite operators build their own ground stations, or obtain contracts with ground station providers. A new model on the market is a ground station as a service with cloud computing options that enable full control of the satellite communications and data processing with lower costs and more flexibility.

As a software-powered solution, Blink is perfect for cloud computing. When connected to the antenna signal it could make digital signal processing (DSP) and frontend processing entirely in the cloud while making downstream processing, distribution and applications simple and straightforward.


To find more about Blink, visit Amphinicy Technologies at IAC booth #4027, meet the Amphinicy team of experts and request for a product demo.

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Blink project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 812471.

The company's participation at IAC 2019 has been co-funded from the European Structural and Investment Funds (European Regional Development Funds, Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020). 

The content of this article is under full responsibility of Amphinicy Technologies.

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