News and Press

Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017
Blink in 2017: Software DAQ Solution for Earth Observation Missions
From the last Blink milestone – Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 1, the Blink team has been working on the further development of the product.
Amphinicy at SME Vision 2020

SME Vision 2020, an event organized by Enterprise Europe Network Macedonia was held on 9-10 November in Skopje, Macedonia.


Wednesday, Nov 15, 2017
Zlatna kuna 2017.

U ponedjeljak 13. studenog Hrvatska gospodarska komora (HGK) dodijelila je najuspješnijim tvrtkama priznanje "Zlatna kuna".

Amphinicy presented its work to the South Korean delagation

Last Friday, September 15th, the Croatian Agency for Small Businesses, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) welcomed the South Korean delegation as a part of special training in Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Austria. 

Amphinicy at WebCamp Zagreb 2017!

WebCamp Zagreb, a technology oriented conference for software developers and designers, is only a month away, and this year’s edition is its fifth edition in a row.