Amphinicy Technologies is exhibiting at Satellite 2022 in Washington DC

Satellite 2022

From March 21 - 24, 2022, the Satellite 2022 conference and exhibition will be held in Washington, DC. This is one of the major global satellite industry events and Amphinicy Technologies is proud to attend. The conference is an important meeting point for businesses, governments and the engineering community fostering innovation and development of systems and services to produce and use satellite data. Currently, this is more important than ever, and it's an occasion to meet face-to-face, to listen, discuss and connect. The conference program covers a wide range of space and satellite technology topics, important for a broad variety of sectors.

Amphinicy Technologies is a provider of software solutions for the satellite industry. Over the course of 20 years, our teams have delivered more than 100 complex projects to our customers all around the world. We have accumulated significant expertise and used it to create our own products: Blink, a wideband software-defined modem and Monica, a modern monitoring and control solution for the ground segment.

We will host a booth (233) and invite you to join us: we would love to hear about your ground segment needs and see how we can help. We have recently made our Blink modem available in the AWS cloud and have signed an important contract on collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), with the objective of upgrading Blink to support Ka-band reception. With the new version of Monica it is easy to monitor and control complete SatCom systems. Our management team and head engineers will be available for you during the entire event, helping you explore our solutions and the outstanding possibilities these offer. We believe that open communication, networking and sharing is essential - please reach out to us to reserve a time slot for a personal meeting.

The company's participation at SATELLITE 2022 has been co-funded from the European Structural and Investment Funds (European Regional Development Funds, Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020).

The content of this article is under the full responsibility of Amphinicy Technologies.

​​EU funds