Amphinicy at 9th ESA TT&C in Noordwijk/NL next week

Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022
ESA 9th TT&C
Image credits: ESA

During the next week - from 28 November through 1 December 2022 - ESA will host the 9th TT&C International Workshop in Noordwijk/NL. To be precise, TT&C stands for "Tracking, Telemetry, and Command" systems for space applications, and the workshop is dedicated to new realities concerning space and ground systems owed to new technologies in various sectors like telecoms, computing, electronics, and similar. Alongside this workshop, there will also be an industrial exhibition.

Amphinicy is happy to announce their participation, and will be represented in either of the two sides - the Blink team will benefit from the educational as well as the presentation side with Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic as a speaker presenting Blink, and Blink will, in addition, be presented at the stand Amphinicy is hosting at the exhibition. Blink is Amphinicy's ultra-fast wideband, pure-software modem, including a cloud version on AWS.

Contact us if you want to meet with us and discuss our products. Our representatives will be there to help you.

The company's participation at the 9th ESA TT&C International Workshop has been co-funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds (European Regional Development Funds, Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020). 

The content of this article is under full responsibility of Amphinicy Technologies.

​​EU funds