In March, Amphinicy Technologies participated as an exhibitor at CABSAT 2019 which took place at Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai, UAE.
It was an opportunity to meet with the most important stakeholders in the satellite sector from the MEASA (Middle East, Africa and South Asia) region. CABSAT proved to be the perfect place to meet potential new industry peers while also a place to catch up with current clients. Exhibiting at this kind of event helps to discover the latest innovations, address challenges, get inspired to improve and get in touch with new trends.
Being a satellite software provider and working with leading satellite operators and satellite service providers, equipment manufacturers, space and humanitarian agencies, Amphinicy Technologies has put extreme focus on bringing three products to a market-ready state.
At CABSAT, the main focus was on MONICA, a new generation ground station monitor and control framework now supporting huge scalability (100.000+ VSAT terminals). It is a flagship product designed and applicable to follow trends in cloud computing technologies.
Over the last 15 years, Amphinicy has acquired in-depth knowledge and experience in delivering monitor and control (M&C) solutions to some of the most demanding customers in the world which include large network, teleport and satellite operators.
What can MONICA offer
New requirements from customers are a constant as well as the increasing number of terminals distributed over the continents. Focus is put on high performances, unlimited scalability and data redundancy. MONICA meets them all. It is:
Powerful - its architecture is built around the most powerful high throughput message bus existing today, as well as distributed services which give an unseen flow rate in monitor and control world. Millions of events per second can be handled by Monica’s services.
Scalable - Monica can be one, two or five and more interconnected and orchestrated services, fulfilling all needs. In need for more power, simply adding another server is no challenge. No matter how big or small a service is, Monica will adapt.
Reliable - Monica is resilient to failures. Every minute, every second, all the time, a message will end up in the storage. There will be no data loss, no matter what. The high-availability is in the core of its system’s architecture.
Secure - Monica secures data. Multitenancy up to the lowest level of data source allows fine tuning access per user, organization or a group.
What makes MONICA unique
MONICA is built with best of open-source frameworks. It benefits from the open-source community and evolves much faster than its traditional counterparts that struggle with reliance on obsolete and proprietary technologies. By using a community tested framework MONICA can provide a real-time monitoring of fascinating 2-millions KPIs/sec, with layers of multitenancy, security and georedundancy on top of it.
With configurability and connectivity embedded in every component, it can be used to build complex, tailored systems or used as an out-of-the-box solution, for a fraction of a price of competitors’ solutions.
MONICA exposes human and machine interfaces, with typical M&C features: a synoptic system status overview, alarming, logging, charting, reporting, powerful automation and scheduling capabilities, as is expected from an advanced monitor and control (M&C) solution. However, its true power lies in a completely new architecture based on state-of-the-art technologies. MONICA demonstrates out-of-the-box scalability and speed of evolution. For example, the new SatCom networks like Yahsat, O3b and OneWeb, are expected to have hundreds of thousands of VSAT terminals. At the moment, there is no solution on the market that can support KPI monitoring of such networks. MONICA can do it in real-time.
Watch our interview and a short demo of MONICA at CABSAT 2019 by the Satellite Markets and Research Editor-in-Chief Virgil Labrador.
Come and visit Amphinicy Technologies (booth #2154) at Satellite 2019, May 6-8 at Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC.
The company's participation at CABSAT 2019 has been co-funded from the European Structural and Investment Funds (European Regional Development Funds, Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020).
The content of this article is under full responsibility of Amphinicy Technologies.