when they are within reach of the ground stations. To do so, MOC needs to monitor and control different parts of the system and align them with operational procedures. MOC M&C is based on the generic MONICA framework.
MOC tasks include infrastructure management operations (system readiness, failure recovery, redundancy and network management), service delivery operations (planning, scheduling, equipment operation and data management), configuration management (software updates, equipment changes and operational procedure changes) and customer management operations (service availability, order handling and user helpdesk).
The system provides a remotely accessible HTML5 graphical user interface, which enables the operator to retrieve information from different parts of the system and to control the system at the same time. This is done using standardized M&C paradigms such as alarming, equipment configuration management, automated alarm actions, role based user permissions, a highly configurable logging system, etc. Most of its functionality is based on the MONICA framework, which is then tailored to fulfill all of the specific requirements of the MOC M&C system.